The interfacial reactions enhance the wettability and promote the spontaneous infiltration process. 界面反应的存在提高了润湿性,促进了无压自发浸渗。
Anything else, which is to say any spontaneous process, it'll be less than zero. 其它任何情况下,也就是任何自发过程,都将小于零。
An evolutionary game model of "industry-university-institute" cooperation was established based on evolutionary game theory, and the spontaneous evolutionary process of "industry-university-institute" cooperation was analyzed in the paper. 摘要利用演化博弈论建立了一个产学研合作的演化博弈模型,分析了产学研合作的演化过程。
And in fact any spontaneous process will make it go up. 事实上,任何自发过程都会导致熵上升。
Yeast Biodiversity in Longan Grapes during Spontaneous Fermentation Process 沙城龙眼葡萄自然发酵过程相关酵母生物多样性研究
The other is a spontaneous radiation process mainly due to Cherenkov resonance. 另一种是自发辐射,主要来自契仑柯夫共振。
The thermodynamic parameter calculation results indicate that the adsorption process is a spontaneous endothermic process. 热力学参数计算结果表明,吸附过程为自发的吸热过程。
Research on coupling between oxygen consumption rate and temperature during coal spontaneous combustion process 煤炭自燃过程中耗氧速率与温度耦合研究
Dynamic Mathematical Model and Numerical Analysis of Coal Spontaneous Combustion Process 煤自燃过程的动态数学模型及数值分析
In this thesis, by the means of adiabatic oxidation test of coal samples, the kinetic essentials of coal low-temperature oxidation in spontaneous combustion process are analyzed and the reaction kinetic model is developed. 论文以煤的绝热氧化跟踪试验为基本手段,剖析了煤自燃进程低温氧化动力学反应实质,建立了煤低温氧化动力学模型;
The energy of chemical adsorption monotonously decreased and the adsorption was a spontaneous process. 苯与Pt的化学吸附位能曲线呈单调下降,吸附作用是一个自发过程。
Which proved that the model can be used for the prediction of coal spontaneous combustion process. 从而印证了本论文中所建模型与模拟方法的正确性,可以在预测煤的自然发火过程中发挥作用。
The conformational conversion of the sericin solution of the outer layer of the bave from random-coil to β-folded structure is a spontaneous process which can be accelerated in the presence of waxy substance. 茧丝的外层丝胶溶液的构象由无规卷曲向β折叠结构转变是一个自发过程,而茧丝蜡的存在能加速这一转变过程。
The Criterion of Spontaneous Process 自发过程的判据
"self-organization" is not "no-organization", but macro spontaneous process and the outcome formed by the urban giant system. 自组织不是无组织,而是靠城市巨系统自发形成宏观有序的过程及结果。
Compared with diesel fuel, the spontaneous ignition process of methanol only has a single stage. 与柴油燃料的多阶段着火特征相异,提出了甲醇自燃历程的单阶段混合着火观点。
The paper analysed the thermodynamic and dynamic process of Fe-Zn reaction, result shows that the corrosion of iron base alloys in molten zinc is a spontaneous process, and the corrosion rate is influenced by multiple factor. 文中对锌铁反应的热力学和动力学过程进行了分析,结果表明,锌液对铁基合金的腐蚀是一个自发的过程,腐蚀速度受多种因素的影响。
Contaminant removal by the self-flocculating occurred among some contaminants in wastewater is a spontaneous process on thermodynamics. 废水中污染物的自凝去除是一个自发的热力学过程。
The thermodynamic analysis shows that the micellization of F127 in aqueous solutions is an entropy-driven spontaneous process. 热力学分析表明,F127在水中的胶束化是熵驱动的热力学自发过程。
In this respect, discussions are made on the merits and demerits of different definitions with analysis made on the reasons for the discrepancies of definitions. Moreover, the conditions for deciding according to entropy as deciding according to spontaneous process are discussed. 鉴于此,讨论了迄今为止几种自发过程定义的优缺点,分析了造成自发过程定义不统一的主要原因,讨论了熵判据可作为自发过程判据的条件。
The solution was a spontaneous process according to the thermodynamic theory. 溶解度数据经热力学方法处理,表明这是个自发过程。
A Discussion on the Definition and Deciding of Spontaneous Process 关于热力学自发过程定义及判据的讨论
A Point of View on Spontaneous Emission Process 对自发发射过程的一点看法
The self-consciousness development of youth is not a complete spontaneous process. How to promote the perfection of self-consciousness by means of effective pedagogic strategies is the key to ensure the successful solution of new problems emerged in the personality development as well as the core of the development. 青少年自我意识发展并不是一个完全自发过程,如何以有效的教育策略促进青少年自我意识不断完善,既是其人格发展的核心内容,也是保证其顺利解决人格发展中所面临新问题的关键所在。
The UPE ( Ultraweak photon emission from biological objects), is an intrinsic and spontaneous process in biological objects and one of the important contents of biological physics-biology. 超微弱光子辐射是所有生物体都具有的一种普遍现象,也是生物物理中光生物学的重要内容之一。
The development of constitution is not a spontaneous process. It is lead by the party in the contrast change of political power relations. 宪法发展不是一个自发的过程,它是在政治力量关系对比变化中由政党领导进行的。
Tylosin adsorption on Black soil colloids or minerals is a spontaneous process. 泰乐菌素在黑土胶体和矿物表面的吸附是自发过程。
Thermodynamic calculation shows that, under the reaction conditions, the decomposition of formic acid is a spontaneous process. 热力学研究结果表明,反应条件下甲酸的分解反应为自发过程。
The adsorption was a spontaneous process, and the high temperature is favorable to the reaction, but the effect of temperature on the adsorption was not obvious. 高温有利于吸附反应的进行,但温度对吸附效果的影响并不明显。